Sunday, November 21, 2010

Truman’s New Toy

The incredible therapists with tiny-k let Truman borrow a child size walker to see how he did.  He LOVES it.  At first he was a bit overwhelmed by the entire thing and like to just walk around it instead of actually using it to walk.  But this weekend he really got the hang of it and started zooming around! 


I took a little video but you will see at the end that his sister distracted him a bit.  After that point he just crawled over to her and tried to get her to play with him.  The whole point of the walker is to let him choose to use it independently….so I had to give up my video pursuits.


  1. *HOPHOPHOP* I'm jumping up and down for TRU (from across town so I don't distract him). Go Truman! Go Truman! I am saying HUGE prayers that he finds the walker just a hindrance quickly and takes off walking by himself. "Phooey... I don't need that!" *hehe* Oh the joys and challenges Mommy gets to enjoy then!
    *hugs to you Becca*

  2. Personally I think he needs a "honker" (trike horn) on that walker and maybe some of those ribbon things that fly in the wind, or decals of fire or angel wings! :0) Good for little Truman, there is no stopping him now!!!!!

  3. That thing is SO COOL! Yay!!!
