Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggedity Jig

What a day.  Emotional roller coaster.

Truman's surgery went very well.  The surgeon was able to get a good biopsy of his muscle and was able to do it with a smaller incision than we thought.  He dealt with the anesthesia very well all things considered.  He was on watch for Malignant Hyperthermia which is a scary reaction that can occur with anesthesia.  There are a couple of muscular dystrophies (that the muscle biopsy is actually testing for) that can cause major issues with anesthesia and cause this potentially fatal reaction.  Because they don't know if this is what he has they didn't use the gas to put him under and did everything thru an IV.  Typically they start the IV after giving the gas so instead they gave him a drug called Versed that helped to relax him and actually will make him not remember anything that happened!  He was hilarious when the medicine took effect.  He has such a goofy little grin and would randomly give a big belly laugh.

In recovery he was a bit loopy and very hungry.  It is hard to get him comfortable because the incision is on the top of his upper thigh.  Once we got settled it went smoothly and we were able to wait out the extra time needed to get through the MH precautions.

So, now we wait for the results.  Hopefully it will only be about 30 days before we get everything back.  Between now and then we just live life normally and try and forget that we are actually waiting for something to come back!

One of my favorite things at Children's Mercy is the wagons...they have them for patients to use to cart kids and stuff.  Truman loves them and I was able to grab a couple of cute shots.

Today Truman really seemed like a "big boy" between the wagon ride and seeing him come out of recovery on the stretcher.  He was all propped up and it was just too funny to see how grown up he really has become in the past few months.

Tonight?  Sleep.  I think it will actually happen.


  1. Big sigh of relief! I'll be thinking of you over the next month and praying for results that tell you what you need to know.

  2. a 30 day wait seems pretty hard ;0{ I remember the wagons at CMH very well. We are fortunate to have such a wonderful hospital so close!

  3. I'm tellin' ya, that boy is going to break hearts some day. That smile gets me every picture I see of him! Just want to kiss those cheeks! So glad everything went well. Jeffrey is hilarious with the versed as well. Lightened up the last couple moments before he went in for his MRI. Thoughts and prayers for a peaceful wait!!
